Pictures from beerfest in Ft. Lauderdale....
Well this has been a fun weekend so far. Danielle and I went to the New Times 2nd annual Beerfest last night. It was fun...we got to taste beers from around the globe. They even had these malt liquor ice pops. They are called Freakyice. They are ice pops for adults! I highly recommend them. After the fest we went to Coyote Ugly. It was a long night but someone had to do it :) tonight I am off to an arena football game. I will post pictures later on...
Happy Birthday Kat!
Picture in front of the Yuengling bottle....
Drinking some Sparks in front of the band....
This is someone we met but we just loved his shirt! Kate and Carey, it reminded me of your mom...we know how much she loved her Tab :)
Happy Birthday Kat!
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