Life in Florida

Monday, September 18, 2006

Shakira Shakira....

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I went to see Shakira this weekend. It was awesome. That girl can dance. It was my friend Liz's birthday and we got tickets thanks to Comcast. We were in the suite. We went to Bongo's restaurant before the concert. Wyclef opened up for her and the show ended with Hips Don't Lie. It was great. Then Sunday....FOOTBALL :) The Giants managed to squeek out a win. I am going to try and post the pictures I have been having problem with my computer so I am hoping I can post them.

Mary Beth

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My weekend home....

Hello everyone,
Well it was great being home! I am so glad I got to see everyone. I came home for my dad's birthday but I also came home to do something special. I gave my hair to locks of love! I gave some child my hair. I have posted the process of me cutting it off. I love you all!
Mary Beth

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The weekend part 1 cont....

Whitney who are you kissing?
How was that cherry?
These guys were from Jersey


The weekend part 1....

Hey everyone,

I hope everyone is having a great begining of the Labor Day weekend. Last night we went to the was a lot of fun but a very late night! I have attached some pictures of Whitney's first of many nights at the Hardrock. Tonight who knows. Sunday staying in and having the girls over for dinner. Monday night University of Miami vs Florida State football game. I will be posting pictures of all the events. Have a great weekend!
Mary Beth

Danielle, Whitney and I at 88s

All smiles for a fun night

Roomate love

Whitney and I

Danelle and Whitney

Danielle and I
The bartenders at 88s having some fun